Do I need their birth certificate?
Yes, you MUST upload a copy of their birth certificate to complete the registration process. (Even if you have submitted their birth certificate in the past, it is a required part of our registration process).
Where are our home fields located?
Rusty Quave Sports Complex
15641 Hwy 15
d'Iberville, MS 39540
Where can we pay for registration?
As soon as registration opens, register your player and you will be required to submit a form of payment to finalize their registration.
Can I pay for more than one child?
If paying online, you can pay for more than one player with separate payments. If paying in person, you can pay for both players at once.
What form of payments do we accept?
We prefer online payments. We have a link to PayPal, VENMO, Cash App, and will accept cash and checks when signing up in-person.
How can I sponsor a team or my child?
Thank you for your interest in supporting our players!
Will my child be allowed to "play down"?
All girls will play in their designated age group, with August 31 as a deciding factor for their age group. They can "play up" in the next higher age group if coaches and parents agree it's in the best interest of said child.
My child plays travel ball, can they play rec ball as well?
ALL travel ball girls are welcome to play. They will however be evenly distributed across the different teams to discourage “stacking” of teams. We want ALL players to have an equal opportunity.